Innocent Reasons That Could Cause Infertility

According to Gynecology Doctor Grazina Bogdanskiene, there are various reasons, besides infertility, that might require a visit to a gynecologist. One of them is interrupted menstrual cycle. Menstruation might be rare and irregular, or might not happen at all. One of the patients had her menstruation every three months, then six, until it disappeared altogether. The patient was also exhibiting several other symptoms, such as increased hair growth on facial, belly and back areas. Hormone test and ultrasound revealed a thyroid dysfunction and chronic anovulation syndrome. Symptoms ceased 3 months later after picking out correct and effective treatment. Menstruation cycle became stable and regular, and the patient was able to conceive a baby.

According to G. Bogdanskiene, more and more men are becoming interested in gynecology and potential fertility issues they might encounter. One can say, the idea that gynecology and infertility are considered “female problems” is slowly fading away. Because of that, increasing amount of couples visit gynecologist’s office together. One in three men is diagnosed with an infertility problem. To confirm that, multiple tests, such as sperm test or hormone test might be required.

These days, both men and women can be equally responsible for couple’s infertility. Up to 40% of infertility cases can be caused by either gender of partners in the couple, up to 10% by both infertile partners at the same time, and the other 10% of cases might have unexplained causes. A couple of multiple potential infertility causes is starting your sexual life early and having multiple sexual partners. Doing that can severely increase a possibility to contract HPV (Human Papillomavirus) or other sexually-transmitted diseases. STDs can cause inflammation and increase tubal obstruction risk.

In other cases, female infertility can be caused by hormone circulation disorders. One of the most common is the aforementioned chronic anovulation sydrome or congenital polycystic ovary syndrome. The most common symptoms are disrupted menstrual cycle, increased hair growth levels, inability to lose or suddenly increasing weight. Women experiencing these symptoms should pay a visit to a gynecologist.

Some potential causes of male infertility can be changes in sperm health (that can be either acquired or congenital) and undescended testicles. In these cases, a consultation with an urologist would be a good way to proceed. Acquired diseases can be traced to infections or genital trauma. Both sexually and non-sexually transmitted diseases (kidney, bladder, prostate inflamation) can impair testicles ability to produce sperm. This can lead to lower sperm concentration and worse sperm motility. Genital trauma, in the same vein, can also cause infertilty. It is crucial to know that work environment can also influence sperm health. Things such as chemicals in the air or radiation can affect one’s sperm in a negative way. Besides that, generally unhealthy day-to-day habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption and sedentary lifestyle can also do their part. In order to have healthy sperm, taking control of your bad habits or ditching them altogether can be a good choice.

In order to discern the exact infertility reasons, a lot of crucial data should be gathered. Medical history, especially of past uteris, cervix, prostate and kidney inflamation, menstruation cycle irregularites, STDs, the amount of time the couple has been trying to conceive, etc. data like this is extremely important in order to get a clear diagnosis and choose the correct treatment. To get said data, multiple medical tests might be required. Hormone tests can be performed for the patient, in order to find out about patient’s ovulation quality. They can be followed up by an ultrasound to evaluate the health of uterus and ovaries. In order to test for possible sexually and non-sexually transmitted infection, cervix and vaginal tests could be performed.

Tubal obstruction is one of the core infertility reasons in women. Tubal obstruction can block fallopian tubes, thus making it impossible for sperm to reach the ova. To test that, fallopian tube permeability test can be performed. Safe contrast material is injected into uterus and fallopian tubes, followed up by an x-ray or ultrasound. This allows to see the total level of tubal obstruction in the patient. Contrast material can be replaced by a specialized foam injected into uterus. Compared to contrast material, foam is relatively painless. Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy might be required in more difficult cases. During laparoscopy, a small incision is cut directly below the belly button. An optical device is inserted through the incision, which allows the doctor to see patient’s uterus, ovaries and tubes directly and assess their state. Sperm test is prescribed to male patients. Depending on its results, it can be followed up by a hormone test, a visit to an urologist or an ultrasound.

Picking out the correct infertility treatment is dependant on many variables. Up 90% couples do not require the infertility treatment itself per se. In these cases, developing the correct habits, ditching bad ones and taking hormone medication might lead to conception. Tubal obstruction, on the other hand, might require laparoscopic surgery or assisted fertilization. For male patients, various sperm health supplements are prescribed. Lifestyle changes and quitting unhealthy habits are heavily reccomended. If you fail to conceive, pay a visit to a gynecologist’s office. The doctor will perform tests and will help you choose the correct infertility treatment just for you.


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