A New Hope for Older Couples – Ovarian Rejuvenation

Modern medicine has found a way to turn the fertility clock backwards. By using the patient’s own bodily resources, ovarian rejuvenation procedure allows the patient to achieve pregnancy via natural means. The key component is the patient’s own platelet-rich blood plasma (PRP).

Do you remember, when, as a child, after scraping your knees, the surface would scab? That scab consists of trombocytes, white blood cells and blood clotting factors and is able to stop the bleeding, protect the wound and stimulate tissue regeneration. Trombocyte enriched blood plasma is succesfully used in various medical fields. Said plasma injections can stimulate soft tissue growth in cases of bone and skin transplant and sports-induced trauma recovery to name a few. Lately this method has been bringing positive results in infertility treatment also. Stem cells are the building blocks of the human body. By their design, they can turn and grow into any other human cell type, including the ova. Female body always has some amount of ova, but in time they might “fall asleep” and lose their ability to be fertilized. By injecting PRP plasma directly into ovaries, it is possible to “wake them up” and restart the ovarian stem cell transformation into healthy ova.

The safety of the PRP procedure is its key advantage. By using bodily resources of the patients themselves, many blood borne diseases such as hepatitis and HIV, and allergies are avoided. Ovarian rejuvenation consists of two steps. First of all, the patient’s blood is retrieved from a vein. Afterwards, using a medical centrifuge, white blood cells and trombocytes are separated from red blood cells and blood serum. Next step is the injection itself. Trombocyte-rich plasma is injected using an ultrasound-guided long needle is injected via the vagina into ovaries. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

After the procedure, the ability to conceive naturally is rejuvenated and menopause is pushed further back. Also, the patient’s own ova are now eligible for artificial insemination procedure.

This procedure can be performed for women who:

  • Are suffering from infertility and low ovarian reserve;
  • Are diagnosed with a preemptive ovarian exhaustion;
  • Want to push away menopause and its symptoms.

It must be noted that even after a succesful PRP procedure pregnancy is not guaranteed. The treatment itself is based on many medical variables according to each patient. Because of that, and that the effects persist for 2 to 6 months, in some occasions one PRP injection might not be enough.


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